[ROM] AICP - 13.1 - O 8.1.0_r20 - ido Redmi 3 Unofficial builds (Terbaru!)

[ROM] AICP - 13.1 - O 8.1.0_r20 - ido Redmi 3 Unofficial builds (Terbaru!)
Holaa sobat oprekers, kali ini saya ingin memberikan custom rom dari AICP versi terbarunya yaitu versi 13.1 dan sudah menggunakan os 8.1 loh!
Download AICP - 13.1 - O 8.1.0_r20 - ido Redmi 3 Custom rom Redmi 3 ido terbaru!

AICP dikenal oleh semua orang sebagai "Ice Cold Project" yang dimulai pada Desire HD tahun lalu (2012) dan sejak itu telah berevolusi menjadi ROM yang matang dengan komunitas TERBAIK yang dapat Anda temukan !!!

Sampai Lollipop, Rom selalu didasarkan pada AOKP. Sayangnya, sejak AOKP menghentikan pengembangan (tetapi membuat comeback nanti), kami mengubah basis kami menjadi CM.
Dengan re-brand CM to LineageOS (LAOS) kita sekarang LAOS berdasarkan pada beberapa tweak dari AOSP.

Jika ada bug, kami akan memilah mereka atau tim LAOS akan jika itu menyangkut basis kode mereka. Rom ini tidak didukung oleh LAOS, jadi tidak perlu melaporkan kesalahan / bug kepada mereka !!

[ROM] AICP - 13.1 - O 8.1.0_r20 - ido Redmi 3 Unofficial builds (Terbaru!)

[ROM] AICP - 13.1 - O 8.1.0_r20 - ido Redmi 3 Unofficial builds (Terbaru!)

[ROM] AICP - 13.1 - O 8.1.0_r20 - ido Redmi 3 Unofficial builds (Terbaru!)

[ROM] AICP - 13.1 - O 8.1.0_r20 - ido Redmi 3 Unofficial builds (Terbaru!)

[ROM] AICP - 13.1 - O 8.1.0_r20 - ido Redmi 3 Unofficial builds (Terbaru!)

[ROM] AICP - 13.1 - O 8.1.0_r20 - ido Redmi 3 Unofficial builds (Terbaru!)

# Feature-List

- Accidental touch (Lineage)
- Add GMS to battery optimization
- Adjust number of notifications on Lockscreen
- Adjust volume dialog timeout
- Advanced reboot
- Aicp Extras app for customizations and beyond
- AICP Logo in Stausbar
- Allow more time steps to 'Do not disturb'
- Automatic speakerphone by checking Proximity (Dialer)
- Battery bar
- Battery bar with color change & animation on charge
- Battery save mode custom color
- Bootanimation changer
- Bluetooth battery level display for external devices
- Brightness Icon and position settings
- Brightness slider
- Charging sounds: Add option to use default charging sound
- Cpu info overlay
- Current Charging status on Lockscreen
- Custom App opening/closing Animations
- Custom Carrier Label
- Custom QS headers
- Custom volume step count
- Customize Night mode brightness settings
- Disable lockscreen media art
- Double tap to sleep on lockscreen
- DT2S on navbar (for smartbar)
- DT2S on status bar
- DUI Fling (navbar with gestures)
- DUI Pulse sound EQ in the statusbar
- DUI Smartbar (on-screen navbar)
- DUI Stock navbar option
- Enhanced Changelog in AicpExtras
- Enhanced QS tile for Hotspot (longpress for Tethering options)
- File persistence on "hosts" file between flashes
- Fingerprint authentication vibration
- Fingerprint on reboot (optional)
- Fingerprint scrolling
- Flip to Mute/Reject Call
- Headphones icon switch
- Hide Magisk Manager / SuperSU from Settings, if it is uninstalled
- Installed Apps: show link to Google Playstore
- Integrated OTA-Update App in Aicp Extras
- Launch music player when headset is connected
- Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Membar in recents (default and in SlimRecents)
- Network traffic in status bar
- Notification Light
- OmniJaws (QS weather & weather in statusbar)
- Partial screenshot
- Power menu and dialogs transparency
- Power menu on lock screen hide
- Power/reboot dialogs dim amount
- QS footer warnings
- QS switchable for location (from LAOS)
- QS Tiles Columns
- QS tile for Ambient Display
- QS tile for music playback & title display
- QS tile for Night mode
- QS Tiles Rows
- QS Tile titles visibility
- QS Tiles- AicpExtras, disable music track, sync, caffeine, PIP, nfc, sound, usb, system language, ime selector, usb tether, screenshot, flashlight, compass
- Quick settings disable on lockscreen
- Quick settings fast pull down
- Reset Battery Stats
- ROM Stats
- Screen Record
- Screenshot sound toggle
- Scrolling Cache
- Selinux mode switch
- Set start/end-colour of Pulse
- Silent Mode
- Slim Recents: allow to adjustment of round corners for cards
- SlimRecents with tweaks like App side bar display
- Small QS Tiles (scrollable)
- Smartbar: Pixel Button Animatiom
- SmartBar: show arrows for next/previous track when playing audio
- Statusbar AICP logo
- Statusbar temperature
- Statusbar Ticker for notifications and music title
- Suspend actions
- Swap volume buttons
- System app remover
- SystemUI theme (qs, power menu, navbar, volume dialog)
- Unlink Notification Volume
- Toggle to make Volume buttons change Music volume, not phone
- Volume dialog stroke settings
- Volume dialog transparency
- Volume rocker music control
- Volume Steps
- VoLte icon
- Weather in statusbar headers with icon support
- Weather settings for Lockscreen (in Aicp Extras)
- Yoga time
...and more


krasCGQ, Anik_khan, bond_ua
Source Code: https://github.com/AICP

ROM OS Version: 8.x Oreo
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: Unlocked bootloader, TWRP
Based On: LineageOS

Version Information
Status: Testing

1. Unduh ROM dan GApps dan transfer ke perangkat Anda.
2. Booting untuk pemulihan (disarankan TWRP).
3. Bersihkan cache Sistem, Cache, Data dan ART / Dalvik.
4. Pasang Flash Zipfile ROM.
5. Flash the GApps (opsional, diperlukan untuk misalnya Google Playstore untuk bekerja).
6. Flash solusi root pilihan Anda (opsional).
7. Reboot perangkat Anda.

Latest Stable Release: Version 13.1
Download link:

Google Apps:
Open-GApps (choose ARM64, 8.1)
MindTheGApps: Main - Mirror